Monday, August 31, 2009

When My Mother Prays

When My Mother Prays

When my mother prays
Angels take their flight.
To guard my way by day,
To protect me in the night.

When I forget in whom I trust
And bow on bended knee,
There is one who won't forget
To pled my case to Thee.

In darkness I have walked
Not knowing well the cost.
A voice was heard on high
Before my soul was lost.

In sickness and in health
Circumstances tho' they be,
My name Thou can't forget
When my Mother prays for me.

In the purest form of love
Her prayers for me are heard.
In language known to angels,
In the simple spoken word.

And yet these words ascend
To Thy throne exalted high.
Request for promised blessings
Which Thou cannot deny.

Blessed is her name,
Her devotion knows no bounds.
In her quit secret place
On her knees she will be found.

With courage, I will face
The trials of coming days.
The heavens shake for my good
When my Mother prays.

(William E. Lee)
Copyright 1995

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