Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Gift

The Gift

As my Father said goodbye
He gave this gift to me.
I would one day use the gift
To set the captive free.

His commands I would obey,
My life would be a light.
A candle set within the world
To pierce the darkest night.

I would bind the open wound
And heal the deepest pain.
Cause the mourner to rejoice
And bring them home again.

But as I grew from boy to man
My fears they did increase.
My faith began to waiver
My desire began to cease.

Absent in my efforts
To help and lift my brother,
Because I did not use the gift
He gave it to another.

A gift to me was given
That I might one day use.
But fear became my master
The gift I did refuse.

"For God hath not given is the spirit of fear; But of power"
2 Tim 1: 7

William E Lee
Copyright 1995


  1. Very well said! In the past, this applied to me and visiting teaching. I am a little afraid of calling people and asking something- like can I visit you...
    by the way- because in the second to last stanza is missing a letter- easy to miss.
